Back in 2008, the iOS App Store started with 500 apps.
Today, users can choose from over 1.85 million apps. The Google Play Store has more at about 2.7 million. Millions of apps are available to users, so how can you stay on top of the competition? In this case, knowledge is the best weapon. It’s not enough to release aesthetic and functional apps. They have to cater to the consumers’ ever-changing needs. You have to learn how to read the current to beat the competition. Read on to find out the current mobile trends to adopt:
Despite being relatively new, 5G brings improved speed and efficiency to app development. Adoption is increasing in 2022 as it’s becoming the standard for mobile apps. Around 47.5% of smartphones –or 660 million –will support 5G this year.
5G is faster than 4G by up to 100 times. It reduces latency from 50 milliseconds to 1 millisecond. Data transfers are smoother, as well.
Withall these user-friendly benefits, there’s no better time to use 5G in your mobile apps. It opens up more room for innovation, and you have more freedom to build new features without affecting the app performance.
Wearable Apps
The wearable segment is seeing a rise in adoption this year, too. People are keen on the appeal of wearing a device to track your fitness and health. Wearables can monitor your heart rate, steps, calories burned, and even blood pressure. Not only that, but they can also share the data with other apps and other people. this function is why wearables are the majority of devices connecting to 5G this year.
Tech companies are big on innovating, pushing the boundaries of what wearables can do. You can also embrace this trend by deliveringa digital experience on smartwatches and such.The Metaverse will introduce things like the Active Pack for Quest 2. This includes better grips for people who use the device for fitness purposes.

Foldable Devices
Foldable devices aren’t mainstream right now, but they’re about to be. Samsung is ramping up production. Other brands are starting to introduce their technology, as well.
It posits an increasing need for apps supporting the foldability of these devices. It can be one of the most challenging mobileapp trends this year. After all, your application has to run seamlessly on the varying screen sizes
However, consider the benefits it can bring as well. When unfolded, the device presents a larger screen, perfect for viewing videos or providing a more immersive experience. It has multi-windows, allowing users to perform several tasks at once. Think outside the box for a moment and see how you can take advantage of these features. How can your mobile application maximize the extra screen real estate?
AR and VR have been in a boom for quite a while. However, the trend is going to continue in 2022. They’re an emerging trend in all types of softwaredevelopment too.
Different industries are incorporating AR/VR to improve their services. The healthcare sector, for example, is using these technologies to improve patient care. Educational institutions are integrating them in the classrooms, while the real estate industry continues to provide virtual tours.
How about the consumers? The success of Pokemon GO is a testament to the people's readiness for AR/VR technology.
Facebook Metaverse is still in its infancy stage, but people will adopt it soon. You can stay on top of the competition by keeping AR/VR on your mind when developing apps.
AI and Machine Learning
Users are always in search of apps to improve their experience. Can you make their lives easier?With AI and machine learning, you can. These are essential for learning the users’ habits and preferences. They’re the cornerstone of speech recognition and natural language processing (NLP).
Google and Apple have been incorporating machine learning technologies into their apps for the past few years. They’re creating new, immersive experiences, and they’ll continue in the years to come.
App developers are starting to do the same. Reduce human error and time wasted through innovations such as chatbots. These automate much of the customer service process, eliminating the costs for human respondents.

Mobile Commerce
AR and VR have been in a boom for quite a while. However, the trend is going to continue in 2022. They’re an emerging trend in all types of softwaredevelopment too.
Different industries are incorporating AR/VR to improve their services. The healthcare sector, for example, is using these technologies to improve patient care. Educational institutions are integrating them in the classrooms, while the real estate industry continues to provide virtual tours.
How about the consumers? The success of Pokemon GO is a testament to the people's readiness for AR/VR technology.
Facebook Metaverse is still in its infancy stage, but people will adopt it soon. You can stay on top of the competition by keeping AR/VR on your mind when developing apps.
Mobile Wallet
Mobile purchases accountfor over 67.2% of all e-commerce. Most of the increase was due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It forced people to go online for their needs rather than risk going outside.
The pandemic resulted in a significant lifestyle change that will persist even after lockdowns conclude. People are more reliant on apps today.Businesses failing to adapt gain a disadvantage against competitors.
Businesses failing to adapt gain a disadvantage against competitors. Their customers will switch to more convenient options, like mobile apps. As such, mobile commerce is a rising app development trend. More and more businesses are adopting this trend and investing in apps of their own. Cater to their demands while on the go!
Is blockchain going to be an even bigger thing in 2022? Of course, it is. You can use this technology for apps, too. Blockchain made smart contracts possible. These are self-executing deals containing the terms of the agreement between two entities. These conditions come in encrypted lines of code.
Smart contracts are self-executing in that a third party doesn’t need to verify them. The deal is complete and executes automatically once both sides fulfill their obligations.
Tracking transactions is also easy with blockchain technology. Banking institutions are already using it to process international payments. However, it’s not only for the finance industry. Even retail, e-commerce, healthcare, and the public sectors use blockchain to create apps.
Keep Up with the Latest Mobile Apps Trends
The mobile app development landscape is ever-changing. With all the emerging technologies, you can expect trends to change regularly. These all collaborate to offer better and more convenient customer service while also reducing costs, errors, and delays for your business.
It's more important to stay updated to keep developing relevant apps. Feel free to contact us today to learn more.